Friday, March 14, 2014

Lucinda Williams

Well, I missed a day. I could fill the page with all kinds of excuses (maybe even some that were true) but…we’ll just leave it at I missed a day and move on…

Last night, I got to hear/see Lucinda Williams at a funky new venue in North Austin called The Roost (no, this isn’t one of my excuses…just let it go, already). Anyway, it’s the first time I’ve been to something like this – concert in a nightclub where everybody just stood crowded around the stage for a couple of hours – in a long time. Reminded me of when a bunch of us went to the Silver Wings Ballroom in El Campo to hear/see George Strait. Back in high school. Except, Lucinda and George aren’t really alike and no one threw articles of clothing up on the stage for her to sign. But I digress…

I had forgotten how awesome it is to take in live music like that. I knew none of her songs (actually had not even heard of her when my friend suggested we go…I know, I know.) so it wasn’t like I was singing along. But she gave us a great show, along with her borrowed bass guitarist (who was amazing), her guitarist/upright bass player, and drummer. Standing about 10-12 feet from the stage, taking it all in, feeling it deep inside, it was quite an awesome experience.

Now, I’m hooked again and, lucky for me, I live so close to the bounty of live music that is Austin, Texas. So, I’m off again tonight to take in some of the great (and maybe not-so-great) SXSW music. God certainly knew what she/he was doing when God created our bodies to resonate so deeply, in such an indescribable way with the rhythms of music.

Speaking of SXSW, Lucinda opened her show with a call for healing thoughts and prayers for all who were touched by Wednesday night’s tragic accident. In memory of the two who died and in honor of the injured, she opened with this… (difficulty uploading's the link)

Go, listen to some music. Feed your soul with this amazing gift God has made possible for us.

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